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Death Notes?

Do you ever think about how you feel right now, at this very moment?

The world inside of me is like an ocean. My depth is uncertain. I was floating along with a current, but in only a matter of hours, a brand new current swept me away. I’m not sure I could ever return to the path I was on once before. I feel I could drown if I attempt to swim out of this current that has so strongly changed my course. All I can do now is believe in its direction.

As much as I am afraid, I feel like I was created to swim in these kinds of waters. I think that is why I have always feared the day when I would have to swim this deep. But I have exhaled for the last time. With courage I breathe in deeply once more and hold my breath as I plunge into the deep blue. I’ve made up my mind. This is my will. I sink underneath the great expanse, and I face the surface as I slowly fall into one of the oldest of elements. I think the most comforting feeling of all is that as I sink, I feel weightless. Maybe there is freedom in surrender. Maybe life and strength are born from receiving. *bubbles escape my lips and I watch them float to the surface* If I let go, maybe then I can arrive. The deeper I sink, the lonelier I feel. But denying what is real is no longer part of my character. Denying the truth is denying a part of myself. And if I am divided, how can I stand?

“What is belief?” you might ask. Google defines it as a noun, explaining that it is an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists; trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. The word believe is also a verb some would say. When you accept that something is true, that belief demands that you act on that truth. Otherwise, it results in you acting against your own convictions. Can you have belief and unbelief in you at the same time? It seems like there is always war inside with one belief fighting against another. Ultimately you can only obey one. That is why we struggle. So, to that I say struggle well. Work out the conflict inside of your soul. Be careful what you believe in. Make sure it is good and a path that leads to life.

Life has enemies: Lust. Pride. Fear. Envy. Hate. Do you ever wonder why we are able to lose our life? Do you ever consider a way to save it? Many cultures have different answers. How many religions are there nowadays? Is the answer even in religion? Can we get to the same place taking many different paths? I think it’s interesting that no one has returned from the dead to tell us what the answer is. All those great people and prophets died and they are still dead. Who then can possibly have the answer?

I can only think of one great teacher who died but was raised from the dead, still alive today. They call him “the god man” and “the Messiah.” He is Jesus of Nazareth, born of the virgin Mary, like it was prophesied long before. He was different from any other human being that ever lived on earth. If you read his story, it is obvious that this man was like no other. They say he was either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. Many say he changed the course of history. When He ascended to heaven, He told His twelve disciples to tell the world and share the good news of what He had done. Now we’re in 2023 and the story of what Jesus did for humanity changes people to this very day. Those who receive His mercy and believe in what He did have life that will last forever. Jesus forgave all immoral acts that go against the divine law while He suffered crucifixion. He forgave humanity. He told people that if they only believed in what He did for them, they would receive his gift of eternal life. Death is the punishment for breaking the divine law. But this is the good news: that Jesus took our place by dying for us so that the wrath of God could be satisfied, that if we believe that He accomplished that for us, we can live.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” John 3:16-17.

So why do we doubt him and his story? Why don’t some believe even after they have seen all he has done to prove himself? Wasn’t he the one who has been told is to come since the beginning of time? And if that is true, does that mean something went wrong in the beginning? Why do we need to be saved, and what do we need to be saved from? What is the story of the world?

These are questions I always wondered about. After years of searching, I found the answers. In this kind of a journey, I find a struggle occurs. In the pursuit of truth, two goals can emerge: the goal to find the truth or the goal to feel better. The truth will set you free. Appealing to the emotions is dangerous. These are deep waters. If you desire the truth, you are wise and you will find it. If you seek something other than truth, you will find that too, but while it may make you feel better it won’t save you.

At this point in history, there is nothing more important than finding the life-saving truth. This world is about to encounter monsters and dragons and plagues like the world has never seen. So when God tells us how to be saved, shouldn’t we listen? Now when I write, I feel like I’m writing death notes.

The sorrow I feel is a sorrow I’ve never felt before. The world sounds so quiet right now. It’s making me nervous. I hope that you consider your Creator and receive His gift of mercy…have life because it is given to you. Find it before it is too late. He wants to save you from what is coming soon.

My last thought today is this: If there is someone trying to save you, isn't that because someone is trying to kill you? Be watchful. Who can you trust and who are your enemies?


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